Another DeFi project scam: Yfdex vanishes with $20 million : DeFi Scam Project | Yfdex Scam | $20 Million DeFi food court is as poisonous as a bowl of mussels left in the sun in August. After YAM and PASTA was SUSHI's turn to disappoint the community and exit scam. This was rather surprising as they had a nice build up community and the Sushi project was very popular at the time. The fast expanding DeFi universe has become something like the DarkNet, full of scams and suspicious projects. Yfdex mining pool headed for an exit scam and vanished, defrauding the investors of approximately $20 million. This happened after only two days of high marketing on social media. The Twitter and Telegram account were deleted, the protocol official page was shouted down and the Medium channel had no admins available. Every single trace of Yfdex was gone. The Yfdex "people" done much hard work before the exit scam, promoting heavy the token pre-sale and convincing many believers to join