Narendra Modi's Twitter handle Hacked and Asked for Bitcoin and ETH: Narendra Modi's Twitter handle Hacked Indian PM Modi's twitter account was hacked and asked for Crypto Donations. Twitter the popular micro blogging site had faced the biggest hack in July 2020 where Hacker demanded crypto for charity, is again in the news. We all know about the July Twitter Hack where Hacker got access to the Twitter's internal system and take control of Popular Twitter accounts like Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Barack Obama and many other verified Twitter pages, including Coinbase exchanges, KuCoin, etc. A few hours after the attack, the unknowns published about 5,000 tweets in which they promised the free distribution (Giveaway) of Bitcoin from an unknown website called Cryptoforhealth. At current time PM Modi’s personal website's Twitter handle username @narendramodi_in with more than 2.5 million followers. “I app...